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Update CAD-Data

Updated SolidWorks standard parts library and STEP data collection

In just a few mouse clicks, our web shop offers useful and timesaving help for your design. All 3D geometries are available for download at article level.

But not only that: The data is optionally available with or without mounting space. You simply select your preference by ticking the corresponding checkbox. Changes are possible at any time and regardless of the component.

For special installation situations that require an individual design of the mounting space, our data are available as single parts. Otherwise, you can always use the tried-and-tested KNARR mounting parameters. You can choose your preferred option according to your needs. 

Standard part with mounting space
Standard part without mounting space

If your need for 3D data goes beyond certain individual applications, we recommend downloading our complete STEP data collection. In the CAD service section you will find the package optionally with a German or English language folder structure.

Continuous enhancement of the SolidWorks data

Of course, the SolidWorks library, which is based on its own file format, is constantly being expanded. The 3D parts collection now includes around 425 standard parts from the KNARR portfolio. Download, install and construct the library – a great support for all Solid users.

Support for your individual standard parts library

Als gängige Praxis erstellen Konstrukteure oftmals eigene Bibliotheken mit immer wieder verwendeten Standardteilen. As a common practice, designers often create their own libraries of standard parts that are used over and over again. Depending on the scope of your own library, the design process is accelerated many times over by stored standard parts. In this case, we will be happy to support you with the relevant data sets and the associated drawings. Please feel free to contact us!